Monday meetings

The Monday morning meeting is an operational meeting to coordinate amongst the people in the house. It is super important to do EVERY week. Yes you might think - "yeah this week it doesn't really matter and I don't feel like doing this" and then you don't do it.
And then you loose track of what are the others actually doing and working on. It goes fast. Very fast. Therefore it is important to insist on hosting this meeting every week. Think about this as a weekly ritual. Also to celebrate all the great stuff you have done in the previous week cause a lot of good stuff can happen in seven days.

Aside from coordinating activities and calendars it is also a platform to talk about bigger things and address needs within the Lab.

This template that work and please feel free to spice it up and modify it to your need.

Breathe/meditate for 2 minutes to become present and tune into yourself and the group around you.

Check in with your intention and where are you at.

Share and review last week give feedback to the things that has happened to harvest the learnings.

Sharing and coordinate calendars for the coming week to coordinate the house.

Other life circles where are you at with other work and engagements outside the house.

Circles in house (link to Happy Bern Lab playbook) what are the updates from each circle.

Co-rooting activities. What co-rooting activities are coming up or are suggested?

Update from financing the person who hold the finance circle gives a short update.

Tensions (link to Happy Bern Lab playbook) address matters and tensions that concerns the others in the house.

Check out take a step up into the helicopter and share how you felt this meeting was in general, and share what you need to step out with a good energy


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