Learning journey

Embarking on living in a Lab also means embarking on your own learning journey. In a lab everyone is on a learning journey. What does it mean to be on a learning journey?

A Happy [xxx] Lab is for those who are willing and curious to challenge the way things are usually done, which means to challenge oneself and to look closer to discern the mindsets we have been carrying throughout life. Living in a Happy [xxx] Lab a beautiful journey and where your comfort zones will be trespassed and we believe if we want to succes in this project we need to assist this trespassing with intellignet, supportive and artful learning frames, that enables us to act from the self-responsibility, self-authorship and self-respect. A learning journey.

It starts with being reflective about yourself and start question your own behaviours. Start to add more of the things you want more of in your life and start to let go of those elements in your life you don't want anymore.

Personal development is systemic, and cannot only be an internal process and it comes especially from connecting with something greater than yourself and not only with your own universe or thoughts. We believe our personal development happens through engaging with others, by being helped by others and learn with others. Living at the Happy Bern Lab is an invitation to become more aware of your individual journey and owning it by taking conscious choices about learning together with others living in the lab with you.

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