Decision making

[ Do-ocracy ] - the one who does decides.

As simple as that. Rules and structures are just ideas we create in order to rely less on trust, to avoid unpleasant conversations and trust the value of paper. In Happy [xxx] Lab you, as a collective, you are able to create anything as long it breathes out health, wealth and happiness. Therefore be aware of what kind of rules and structures you are creating in order to make a Happy [xxx] Lab function. For do-ocracy to work there is a need to invest a fair bit of time in trust building - see co-rooting - but in the long run do-ocracy will make a Happy [xxx] Lab more agile and less dependent on collective decision-making processes.

The other ingredient to do-ocracy is sense and respond. If you sense something is needed - respond to that need and make it happen. Again as long as it breathe out health, wealth and happiness for everybody.

And remember - getting an advice from someone has never harmed anyone.

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