Starting with who

An essential part of a Happy [xxx] Lab is the ambition of creating a space/laboratory where we can have new, different and deep conversation. The Happy [xxx] Lab is a safe space where everybody can feel safe of not being judged on what they are or what they are doing. Being at a Happy [xxx] Lab is also an invitation to show up for yourself, there is no need to put on a show.

We want to create human connections that are based on mutual respect and we believe that it will happen when we start, asking who are we?

A very simple, yet powerful new rule of the game emerged. Starting with who.

When receiving people at our house, we explicitly ask them to hold the "what" question. By not talking about what we do or what we would do together we have designed a simple process for collaboration that allowed for all of our humanness to surface. Lets ask the questions Who are you? and Who are you becoming? In a variety of ways. This offers an almost instant depth to conversations and relationships that fuels the fire and creative potential. All this seems obvious now, but actually takes quite some practice to effectively establish as a habit in a group.

This practice is also a learning journey for yourself to ask the question: Who are you?
And hopefully who you are should end up confirming what you do.

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