
"On-boarding is the integration of an individual into the culture formed by an excisiting community."

When you on-board a new member to your team, what is important to consider, is how do you design that persons learning journey?

Should they get a manual with behaviours, rules, expectations and when they have read that they are on-boarded? Or do you give almost no information and the person has to learn and experience why things are like they are? A non-boarding process.

We have experimented more with a non-boarding process and we are not saying it is perfect. Yet. We believe in the value of learning as you go and creating a culture of pro-activity so if you have a question, ask, or try to find the answer yourself. This process might create small conflicts and tensions along the way, and hopefully it also makes one re-think learning and one creates its own learning experience rather than adopting other people's learnings. Dont rush this process. Sometimes the fastest way to go somewhere is to go slow.

Most importantly a non-boarding is also a learning process for the current team. An other element of the non-boarding process is to give space for failures that you as a existing team already have made twice with other people. Learning to hold the space for others learning instead of trying to convey people to adopt your learnings.

Non-boarding process is a curated learning curve for the entire house.

How to find the right people?

Most importantly when you consider taking in a new person to a Lab, ask yourself, if you could be friends? You're going to live together and share a life together. Therefore look at how is your chemistry and what is your intuition telling you? Listening and prioritising those intelligences are equally important as only listening to rational considerations. Trust that the right people will show up and be interested in collaborating with you rather than chasing down new people because they might have the right resume or description. Try to look beyond what they do and try to understand "who" are they.

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